Is JDeveloper the continuation of Developer 2000?

From: Victor Hernandez <>
Date: 5 Nov 2003 14:34:34 -0800
Message-ID: <>

[Quoted] Hello everybody.

I am a J2EE programmer. I know JDeveloper. But a customer of mine has a large software written in Oracle Developer/2000 and wants this software to be updated to the "current version of Developer 2000". (By the way, I don't know anything about Developer 2000).

I need to know what is the current version of Developer 2000. I have been looking for Developer 2000 in the Oracle website but I haven't found it at the Product page. It seems to me that Oracle is dropping Developer 2000 to make Java its main programming language. But I have found nothing that confirms that.

Please, can you explain me what is the politics of Oracle about Developer 2000? Is a "live" language or is it about to be discontinued or deprecated? Which is its "current" version? What relationship has with Java (JDeveloper)?

Thank you for your help,

Vicent Palasi Received on Wed Nov 05 2003 - 23:34:34 CET

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