Re: I can attach in SQL Server, but can I in Oracle?

From: Daniel Morgan <>
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2003 08:45:22 -0700
Message-ID: <>

Ron Fluegge wrote:

> Daniel,
> I have been to and am still at a loss about how to
> do the specific task.
> <snipped>

[Quoted] [Quoted] The Oracle software installation can not be done by your software. It must be [Quoted] [Quoted] done as an independent step by a competent DBA working with a competent [Quoted] SysAdmin. From that point forward you can use a simple ASCII file script to [Quoted] build the system tablespace, other tablespaces, create users, create roles, [Quoted] create tables, populate them, etc. And it doesn't require documentation to [Quoted] figure out how to do this.

[Quoted] Go to$ORACLE_HOME/admin/.../scripts on your server and the scripts for database [Quoted] [Quoted] creation and tablespace builds are there: Just modify them. To create tables, [Quoted] views, procedures, and populate them with data the scripts are at $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin. Look specifically at sql.bsq, catalog.sql, catproc.sql [Quoted] to see how.

[Quoted] This isn't rocket science. It is elementary school and any Oracle shop will know [Quoted] how it is done and expect to see it in this way.

[Quoted] In fact many Oracle shops will refuse to let you install if you don't do it this [Quoted] [Quoted] way because they will want to sign an NDA and review the scripts before letting [Quoted] [Quoted] you run them on their server. I for one have never allowed a blind installation [Quoted] on a server. If a vendor insists on doing that ... they lost the sale.

Daniel Morgan
(replace 'x' with a 'u' to reply)
Received on Mon Aug 11 2003 - 17:45:22 CEST

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