Oracle 8.1.7 Standard Edition and WebDB

From: Chloe Crowder <>
Date: Mon, 27 May 2002 11:20:14 +0100
Message-ID: <act190$b6k$>

[Quoted] [Quoted] I'm trying to move a database & application from an Oracle 8.1.6 environment [Quoted] to 8.1.7. The application uses WebDB. I've looked in the documentation and [Quoted] [Quoted] it refers to a WebDB CD, which we don't seem to have. Is it hidden on another disk, or do we have something missing? Could I safely use the 8.1.6 disk?

TIA Chloe Crowder
The British Library Received on Mon May 27 2002 - 12:20:14 CEST

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