Help with my perl, how to send email when sees error

From: Mike F <>
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 19:37:44 GMT
Message-ID: <l.1001446664.1235595703_at_[]>

Hi, Folks
I have a perl scripts like this:

[Quoted] sub trap_die

   my _at_param = @_;

$message = $param[0];
$CommandString = "/bin/mailx -s \"$message\" xxxx\ ";
      system ( $CommandString );
use strict;
use DBI;

my $dbh = DBI->connect ( 'dbi:Oracle:test',

                                 PrintError => 0,
                                 RaiseError => 1,
                                 AutoCommit => 1
                        ) || die "Database Connection not made 
$DBI::errstr" ;
my $sql = qq{ select * from global_name} my $sth = $dbh ->prepare($sql);
       while (my _at_rows = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
       print "_at_rows[0]\n";


For any reason there is an error, perl will exit. Everyday I have to read output files to see whether there is an error, how can I make a perl call my sub function TRAP_DIE so that when error, I will get an email?
I tried to put the line

if ($dbh->error) {trap_die("error");}
but it will not work because the perl will exit as soon as it raise error.

Thanks for your help.  

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