WebDB - ERROR Template and SUCCESS Template

From: Edward Beemer <ebeemer_at_tas.nl>
Date: Fri, 3 Sep 1999 17:05:16 +0200
Message-ID: <7qoo86$7g8$1_at_zonnetje.nl.uu.net>

[Quoted] Hi Guys,

Is it possible to influence the way that WebDB shows Error and Success Messages? Perhaps via templates?

The point is that, instead of the screen with the green checkmark and the table with inserted/updated field values, I would like to show my own screen (which would simply state that the previous operation has been successfully executed).

And while we're at it, how can I get rid of the 'nnn row(s)' message at the bottom of each screen?

With kind regards,
Edward Beemer Received on Fri Sep 03 1999 - 17:05:16 CEST

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