Re: Any size limits passing parms to Reports?

From: DanHW <>
Date: 13 May 1999 02:56:22 GMT
Message-ID: <>

>Reports 3 on NT 4.0 with Forms 5.0
>I have a report in which the query is passed by parameter list
>user parameters:
> Parm_Title
> Parm_Select (CHAR 2000)
> etc.
> &Parm_select
>The Select statement is parsed and prepared in Forms.
>A parameter list is prepared consisting of various report
>titles, etc and the Select statement (Parm_Select).
>The length of the select statement varies depending on what the users picks
>from screen.
>Here is the problem: I have hit a circumstance where apparently picking one
>item causes the Select to be long enough to where some limit is reached, and
>the report does not run. There is no error message, no truncating of
>parameter, nor "unable to parse query", nor is there any window showing
>client/server activity. The report runtime simply never runs.
>I have been able to delete characters from the query one at a time
>until a point is reach where the report executes
> select xxxxxx.... where .... in ('long name long text')
> ..... where ... like ('long name text%')
>(then begin deleting characters from long name text)
>Has anyone know of any such parameter list limitations, or experienced
>similar problems? If the Help mentions this, I sure haven't found it....
>Thanks much,
>Robert Proffitt
>Beckman Coulter
>Brea, CA

There is some discrepancies between Reports and Forms - I believe Forms will pass a Varchar2 (max of 2K or 4k depending on the version of Oracle), but Reports parameters can only be 256K.

The only thing I can suggest is to break it out into substrings, and use multiple parameters in the report.

One often-overlooked aspect of reports - they create a new session - so if you have UNCOMMITED changes in a form, you should ask the user if they want to commit before running the report. Otherwise the report will not match the screen.

Dan Hekimian-Williams Received on Thu May 13 1999 - 04:56:22 CEST

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