Reports 3.0 Page 2 layout shift

From: Richard Kaiser <>
Date: Mon, 05 Apr 1999 12:50:20 -0400
Message-ID: <>

[Quoted] Hi all,

I've whipped up a report with 6 sections (groups)

    The sections are laid out identically,     their underlying queries return different values.

The first page looks fine,
The second page looks like the margins have shifted an inch

    and a half to the left. All groups look aligned in layout     view, but preview and hardcopy has them shifted over     and an inch of layout is lost off the left side of the page.

I've poked around, but can't find any properties that cause this To work around it, I've physically shifted sections (report

    group) over an inch and a half to the right.

Looks aligned when I test it, but I'm guessing that

    the 1st page will be populated by 1st group, if     there's no data in the first group, the 2nd group will     print on the 1st page and appear way too far to the     right.

Anybody seen this or know a method to resolve?

Rich Received on Mon Apr 05 1999 - 18:50:20 CEST

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