Re: 2 problems in using package........

From: Gerd Volberg <>
Date: 1998/08/18
Message-ID: <>#1/1

Hi Jimmy,

I don´t know how to solve your problem, but try another technic for your update

        create or replace package body update_ccc is
           procedure p_update_ccc is
              FOR R_TTT IN (Select ID from TTT)
                IF R_TTT.ID = 1 THEN
                  update TTT set
                     CCC = 1
                   where ID = R_TTT.ID;
                  update TTT set
                     CCC = 2
                   where ID = R_TTT.ID;
                END IF;
              end loop;
        end update_ccc;

Now you haven´t to open, fetch and close the cursor. The cursor is in the text more readable than in the declare-section, and you have no exception handling like "When Others then Close Cursor" ! This cursor is a FOR-RECORD-IN-SELECT-STATEMENT-CURSOR. But why do you didn´t update this example with

     CCC = decode (ID, 1, 1, 2);

That´s all. This decode means: IF ID is '1' then result is '1' else '2'. You can make this statements as long as you want. DECODE (COL_x, value_1, result_1 [, value_2, result_2] [, ELSE_Value]). But decode only works in SQL, not in PL/SQL

  Gerd Volberg Received on Tue Aug 18 1998 - 00:00:00 CEST

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