Re: Falling Off a Block after last Record

From: Huwski <no email>
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 15:24:19 GMT
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 29 Jul 1998 14:59:07 -0700, "Ric Parodi" <> wrote:

>I am using Form Designer 4.5. I have a block sitting in a form which
>displays multiple records. There are multiple blocks. The navigation is
>set within the block, from record to record. What I would like to happen is
>that when the user tabs forward out of the 'last' record, I can issue a
>GO_ITEM command. I get the FRM-40102 message (at last record), but I have
>not been able to intercepted in a ON-MESSAGE or ON-ERROR (yes, I am trying
>all I can think of) trigger.
>Any help?
>-Ricardo A. Parodi
> California Institute of Technology
Try the following...

on the last item of the block. KEY-NEXT-ITEM

If :System.Last_Record = 'TRUE' Then

   Go_ITEM ('xcxx') ;

End If;

Otherwise try......

If :System.Last_Record = 'TRUE' Then

   Set_Block_Property (

      :System.Cursor_Block,NAVIGATION_STYLE,CHANGE_BLOCK ); End If;
NEXT_ITEM; Remember you will have to set the navigation style back to CHANGE_RECORD when you re-enter the block.

Huwski. Received on Thu Jul 30 1998 - 17:24:19 CEST

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