Dropping Columns??

From: Mark Cudmore <mcudmore_at_kamloops.env.gov.bc.ca>
Date: 1998/03/18
Message-ID: <1998Mar18.114610.10048_at_vmsmail.gov.bc.ca>#1/1

[Quoted] [Quoted] Is it possible to drop columns in a table in Oracle? I've never had to do this, but I have normalized a table, and I need to drop some of the columns in the original table, and I don't want to re-create the table because I have a number of triggers and other tables dependent on that table! Help!

Mark Cudmore
email: mcudmore_at_kamloops.env.gov.bc.ca
Received on Wed Mar 18 1998 - 00:00:00 CET

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