Methods for serving Oracle client files?

From: Robert Lee <>
Date: 1997/08/06
[Quoted] Message-ID: <>#1/1

I'm looking for simple methods for serving and installing Oracle client files (ORAWIN, ORANT, ORAWIN95 directories) on multiple PCs running any of the standard MS Windows OSs (Win3.x, WinNT, Win95). All will be using an application developed in Oracle Developer/2000 with Forms 4.5. The Oracle server is an HP/UX with Oracle 7.3. All of the PCs are attached to the network and will use SQL*NET/TCP for server access. In addition, all of the PCs are attaching to a Novell Netware 4.1 file server. Rather than having the Oracle files local on each PC, I'd like to have them on the central file server. However, the Oracle Installer does not seem to provide a simple method for installing the software to a server and then running the install from the server at each client to configure the client to run the Oracle software from the server.

Anyone have suggestions? Received on Wed Aug 06 1997 - 00:00:00 CEST

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