Large vs Small Fonts on Win95 with 16-bit Oracle Forms

From: Chris Wyse <>
Date: 1997/02/25
Message-ID: <>#1/1

[Quoted] I am running Windows 95 and using the 16-bit version of Developer 2000. I do not have the option of upgrading to the 32-bit version of Dev2000. I have a Forms application that works fine as long as the "Small Font" option of the "Display Properties", "Settings" tab is used. When I switch to "Large Fonts", my forms don't look nice any more since some of the text gets clipped and things don't align properly. My users want to use "Large Fonts" - how can I accomodate them with out redoing all my forms? Is there an option in the oracle.ini file to deal with this? I want my forms to always appear as they do when "Small Fonts" is specified. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.


Chris Wyse  
McCarty Associates, Inc.

Received on Tue Feb 25 1997 - 00:00:00 CET

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