Error (ORA-03121) in ODBC connection

From: Tang Wai Shing Wilson <>
Date: 1997/02/17
Message-ID: <5e9bie$>#1/1

[Quoted] Hi Oracle Guru,

I want to have a VB application over Win95 connect to the Oracle on Solaris. I have InterSolv (from InterSolv CD) and SQLNet V2 (from D2000 1.2.1) installed and I can connect to my server thru SQLPlus without any problem. When I use the VB application, it has the error, ORA-03121. With ref. to the server message manual, it refers to "no interface driver connected - function not preformed". Any idea? Do I need to start anything before running the VB application? Or I missed some DLLs? I check the online help and it seems it requires OCIW32.DLL where I can't find over the D2000 CDs. Does this matter?

If you have any information, pls. mail me. Thanks.

Tang Wai Shing, Wilson		Email:
Dept. of Computer Science, 	Tel# : (852)-2358-7004  Fax: (852)-2358-1477
HKUST, Clear Water Bay Road,    Fingerprint: 	54 8D 55 F5 B5 1E AC 7E  
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Received on Mon Feb 17 1997 - 00:00:00 CET

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