Unlimited Use Watcom SQL?

From: Will Estes <westes_at_usc.com>
Date: 1997/01/19
Message-ID: <32e19371.414625937_at_SantaClara01.news.InterNex.Net>#1/1

[Quoted] [Quoted] Watcom used to produce a single-workstation SQL Server that could be [Quoted] bundled with any commercial application for no runtime royalty charges. Does the product still exist in any form?

If not, is there any high-performance database product that can be bundled with a commercial application with no additional royalties?

[Quoted] Will Estes                                  U.S. Computer
Internet: westes_at_usc.com                    POB 3150
                                            Saratoga, CA  95070
                                            FAX: 408-446-1013
Received on Sun Jan 19 1997 - 00:00:00 CET

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