Re: Newbie Forms ? - Browsing Records

From: Loyal Barber <>
Date: 1997/01/16
Message-ID: <>#1/1 wrote:
> I am new to Oracle Forms. I have been going through some CBTs and demos. I
> am creating a simple form (v4.5) to update a table. This form can only show
> one record at a time, because the number and size of the fields fill up the
> screen. It would be nice if the users could select the record they want to
> modify from a list of records (such as a browse button). I would like to let
> the users hit a button which lets them browse through the records (in a
> separate window). They can then double-click on one of these records, and it
> will bring it back to the form for updating.
> I tried this with an LOV on the primary key. The problem is that I must
> first hit Query/Enter, then do a List, then do a Query/Execute. It seems like
> too many steps for the simple task of listing records.
> I believe this is standard functionality that people would like to put into
> forms. Am I way off base here? Could somebody point me in the right
> direction? I am not sure if I want an LOV or if I need to create a separate
> look-up form.
> Thank you.
> *************************
> Jay Hostetter
> D. and E. Communications
> Ephrata, Pa. U.S.A
> *************************

The way we do it is:
Have all the columns defined in the LOV but only display the key by setting the display width to 0 on those columns we don't want the user to see. You then have two choices on your next step. 1. If you want your forms block to be base table, include 'rowid' in your select for your lov. Have the LOV return the rowid to a parameter variable (or something else, such as a control block item) that is referenced in the default where clause for your base table block. Check that the user realy selected something from the LOV, then execute_query. Because you use the rowid, this way is fast. 2. Non-base table block. Have each item in the LOV return to one of your displayed items on the form. This way is very fast.

Loyal Received on Thu Jan 16 1997 - 00:00:00 CET

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