Forms 4.5 Question--"File Open" dialog box???

From: <>
Date: 1996/12/16
Message-ID: <>#1/1

[Quoted] [Quoted] After many years of working with the Oracle C/S tools I suddenly find myself at a loss for a solution to what would seem to be a trivial problem.

I'm using the text_io built-in package to access ASCII data on a DOS FAT filesystem and I'd like to be able to allow the user of the application to specify the location and name of the file by using a standard windows dialog box (just like every other windows program allows--you know, select your drive, then your directory, then the filename.) I just can't seem to figure out a decent way to do it in Forms 4.5. My first thought was to use a VBX control if only I could locate the appropriate VBX. I tried cmdialog.vbx and got absolutely nowhere (of course I could have been doing something wrong.)

I believe that Oracle intends to natively support this functionality in a future release of the tool, but for now I'm left hanging.

If anyone knows of a relatively clean way of doing this (short of, say, using Excel's method via OLE,) I'd really appreciate hearing about it.

Thanks in advance for any help offered.

Mike Received on Mon Dec 16 1996 - 00:00:00 CET

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