Re: consolidation of multiple rows

From: --CELKO-- <>
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 08:14:05 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>

>> we were discussing professors and their lack of touch with reality. <<

LOL! You really have not seen Dan's Oracle classes! They hand you an empty server and you start by loading and configuring it from scratch. I am not kidding. Forget about an already installed DB waiting for you; Dan starts at the hardware.

>> Only you think that knowing someone's name makes you a better DBA. Clueless idiot. <<

My, what a carefully reasoned argument :) Knowing the history and important concepts of your trade area measure of professionalism. It also means you know how to communicate with others and research inside your trade. You have a context for your tools.

>> [you can understand Newtonian mechanics without knowing who Isaac Newton was] You can even call it fizzbin mechanics. The name does not affect the math. <<

LOL! Do ever watch Futurama? You're Dr. Zoidberg! He is a lobster alien who has no idea about human anatomy and makes up his own words. Or maybe you're the seagull in THE LITTLE MERMAID, who calls a fork a "dinglehopper" and, having no context for it, assumes it is used like a comb.

Why not carry this line of non-reason further? Having clear, industry standard data element names, interfaces and protocols does not effect the compilation or execution of a program. In fact, back in the old FORTRAN days of my youth, we had a slogan that "If it was hard to write, then it should be hard to read!" and we meant it. Therefore, learning anything but how to write code for a particular release of a particular complier for a particular language makes you a clueless idiot. Received on Tue Mar 11 2008 - 10:14:05 CDT

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