Re: state vs status

From: Tanel Poder <>
Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2018 17:26:20 -0400
Message-ID: <>

This is a special case. Oracle Forms uses multiple session contexts per Oracle process and switches between them. And at the time of switching between sessions in a process, the process itself is on CPU, doing the switching. But later on when the "primary" application session becomes idle by waiting for the next incoming message over SQL*Net, it doesn't clear that other "secondary" session's wait state field. So V$SESSION lies to you in this special case.

You can reproduce this test using autotrace as SET AUTOTRACE TRACE STAT also creates a secondary session (for querying V$SESSTAT) so that the V$ queries would not cumulatively affect your application session's metrics.

Here's an example of querying all sessions by OS PID 30473 (sqlplus without autotrace enabled yet):

SQL> l
  1 SELECT sid,status,state,event,top_level_call_name,logon_time   2 FROM v$session s,v$toplevelcall c
  3 WHERE s.top_level_call# = c.top_level_call#   4* AND paddr = (SELECT addr FROM v$process WHERE spid=*30473*) SQL> /        SID STATUS STATE EVENT  TOP_LEVEL_CALL_NAME LOGON_TIME

---------- -------- ------------------- ------------------------------
-------------------- -------------------
        14 INACTIVE WAITING             SQL*Net message from client
 FETCH                2018-07-27 14:41:14

Now enable autotrace:

SQL> -- SET AUTOTRACE TRACE STAT in the other session
SQL> SELECT sid,status,state,event,top_level_call_name,logon_time
  2 FROM v$session s,v$toplevelcall c
  3 WHERE s.top_level_call# = c.top_level_call#   4 AND paddr = (SELECT addr FROM v$process WHERE spid=*30473*)   5 /


---------- -------- ------------------- ------------------------------
-------------------- -------------------
       * 10* INACTIVE WAITED SHORT TIME   SQL*Net message from client
 SES OPS (80)         2018-07-27 14:53:45
        *14* INACTIVE WAITING             SQL*Net message from client
 FETCH                2018-07-27 14:41:14

Suddenly there's another session (SID=10) that is owned by the same process 30473. Two sessions under the same process! The LOGON_TIME values are also different as I enabled autotrace well after logging in with the primary session.

While switching away from a session makes it correctly INACTIVE (see the "SES OPS (80)" being the last OPI call before the session 10 became inactive), the autotrace session 10-s STATE is left as WAITED SHORT TIME (which usually means ON CPU) even after the primary session 14 went off CPU.

Tanel Poder

On Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 10:33 AM Matt Adams <> wrote:

> I have multiple oracle forms connections to a database.
> The status is inactive, the state is ‘WAITED SHORT TIME’ (for “SQL*Net
> from client”) and the SQL_ID is NULL.
> The status implies that it is idle, but the state implies that it is
> doing something (because it’s not waiting), but I can’t figure out what it
> is doing.
> Is there any way to determine what’s going on with this session?
> Matt
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Received on Thu Aug 02 2018 - 23:26:20 CEST

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