Re: Timezone on Exadata set to UTC - How about a login trigger to set session timezone?

From: Mladen Gogala <>
Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2018 09:34:46 -0400
Message-ID: <>

Hi Chris!

Linux usually keeps time zone defined in /etc/timezone.  There is also "timedatectl" command to configure it on the system level. As for the ~/.bashrc files you can do something like find /home -name .bashrc -print|xargs myperlscript and use a Perl script to filter out those pesky export TZ=UTC settings.


On 8/2/2018 2:21 PM, Chris Taylor wrote:
> Ignore this - apparently setting the timezone at the session level
> doesn't really behave as I expected it would.
> Chris
> On Thu, Aug 2, 2018 at 12:41 PM Chris Taylor
> <
> <>> wrote:
> Guys,
> So we've got ourselves a brand spanking new Exadata (Cloud AT
> Customer) .
> However, everything is setup as UTC (which is mainly more of a
> problem for our customers/clients than it is for the DBAs though
> it does make things confusing.
> I've been reading through documents all day about changing the
> timezone for the VM nodes and the databases.
> However, I notice that the "GRID" and "ORACLE" OS users do an:
> "export TZ=UTC"
> Which means I need to modify several files on all the nodes to
> change it from the OS.
> I'm wondering if it make more sense to create LOGON trigger to set
> every interactive session to the proper timezone INSTEAD of
> modifying these files:
> oracle:
> .bash_profile
> root:
> .bash_profile
> grid: .
> bash_profile
> s_crsconfig_xcp(nodename)_env.txt (on all nodes) (owned by root)
> Has anyone changed their Exadata timezone from UTC to something
> else, and which method did you prefer?
> I'm not changing timezone on the cell nodes (or whatever they're
> called - just on the DB machine nodes - compute nodes or whatever
> they're called in Exadata)
> Chris

Mladen Gogala Database Consultant Tel: (347) 321-1217

Received on Fri Aug 03 2018 - 15:34:46 CEST

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