RE: Can someone please motivate to learn scripting and learn oracle internals ?

From: Peter Sharman <>
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2016 10:34:34 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <0923a267-eba7-4fd3-a169-75faa27523c0_at_default>

A final note on this – Scott will be retiring soon.  If only we could do a brain dump before he leaves!



Pete Sharman
Database Architect, DBaaS / DBLM
Enterprise Manager Product Suite
33 Benson Crescent CALWELL ACT 2905 AUSTRALIA

Phone: HYPERLINK "tel:+61262924095"+61262924095 | | Mobile: +61414443449  Email: HYPERLINK ""  Twitter: @SharmanPete  LinkedIn: Website:


"Controlling developers is like herding cats."

Kevin Loney, Oracle DBA Handbook


"Oh no, it's not, it's much harder than that!"

Bruce Pihlamae, long term Oracle DBA



From: Patrice sur GMail [] Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2016 11:13 AM To: Tim Gorman <>
Cc: ORACLE-L <> Subject: Re: Can someone please motivate to learn scripting and learn oracle internals ?


sorry I keep posting about this but I think it's important -- imagine if we all knew twice as much, or ten times as much about how Oracle works?  All the way up and down the OSI stack.  How much more effective could we all be.  I think it's really important and it makes me sad that so many employers see training as a perk or a plum to hand out rather than something that benefits the organization as a whole.


When one index built properly can turn a 2-day complex query into a 5 minute long query, or being able to resolve a crash more quickly, or preventing dropped sessions or boosting response time for users.  How much more effective could organizations be?  I bet it's impossible to estimate, but I bet the amounts would be staggering.  It really could be a game changer.  What we do is support and sustain the underlying infrastructure for so much that goes on in businesses, government, organizations.


On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 10:07 PM, Patrice sur GMail <HYPERLINK ""> wrote:

thanks Tim!


I attended those seminars which were patterned after employees' courses if I remember correctly.  What flabbergasted me was early on, Scott said "Ok, let's just do this."  He described in detail, down to hexadecimal values, what happened when a user connected to Oracle using sqlplus to submit a query.  He described the index blocks, the table block contents, everything.  Then he used his diagram now and again to explain points later on during the seminar. 


He also said things like "in 7.3 this is what happened, in 8.0 it started to change this way, but it was only in 9.2 that it finally settled to this and that's what you will see now if you look at the actual values."


I left that week telling myself "if I knew 1/10th of what that guy knows,..."


It was also obvious that he had contacts inside Oracle to answer just about any question.  He spent his breaks answering questions from past students or from others, I imagined it was from other Oracle employees.


Oh he mentioned Krispy Kreme donuts... that was around the time they started becoming really popular I think.




On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 2:22 PM, Tim Gorman <HYPERLINK ""> wrote:

Some good history here...

Those internals courses were originally written by Lex de Haan, and Scott Gossett was tagged specifically to deliver them.  However, Scott was delayed from delivering those courses in 1998 and 1999, and classes had already been scheduled, so Oracle Education contracted me to deliver the first half-dozen seminars, including IOUG-Live 1999, as well as seminars in Caracas, Rio de Janiero, and Buenos Aires.  I balked at delivering seminars in Medellin and Cali, because at that time it could be expensive and/or fatal to be both American and in Medellin or Cali.

I had left Oracle Corporation a few months previous to become an independent consultant, and as part of my preparation, had requested one day on the internal Oracle network with the level of access that I had previously enjoyed as an employee, so that I could loot the internal support and development pages for explanatory information.  It was not unlike one of those contests where someone wins a shopping spree for one hour where they can leave with anything they can carry in that time.

Altogether, teaching those courses was both a terrifying and electrifying experience.

Terrifying because this was one situation where the slidedecks contained *FAR* more information than I had ever imagined.  Terrifying because most of the attendees were so scary smart, and had likely forgotten more than I ever knew.

And the experience was electrifying for the same reasons.

Thankfully, Scott came available and, as Pete indicated, is still crushing it at Oracle.

On 8/30/16 10:48, Peter Sharman wrote:

Nope, still works as a Consulting Technical Director in Oracle Consulting.


Otherwise I agree. J




Pete Sharman
Database Architect, DBaaS / DBLM
Enterprise Manager Product Suite
33 Benson Crescent CALWELL ACT 2905 AUSTRALIA

Phone: HYPERLINK "tel:+61262924095"+61262924095 | | Mobile: HYPERLINK "tel:%2B61414443449"+61414443449  Email: HYPERLINK ""  Twitter: _at_SharmanPete  LinkedIn: HYPERLINK "" Website: HYPERLINK ""


"Controlling developers is like herding cats."

Kevin Loney, Oracle DBA Handbook


"Oh no, it's not, it's much harder than that!"

Bruce Pihlamae, long term Oracle DBA



From: Patrice sur GMail [] Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 03:24 PM
To: HYPERLINK "" Cc: HYPERLINK ""; ORACLE-L HYPERLINK ""<> Subject: RE: Can someone please motivate to learn scripting and learn oracle internals ?


Scott Gosset must have retired by now, he was awesome. He used to teach internals seminars.


On Aug 30, 2016 02:13, "Kamran Agayev (TD/DBA)" <HYPERLINK ""> wrote:

Beside your own investigations, you might also check the following two books:


Secrets of the Oracle Database (Expert's Voice in Oracle) 1st ed. Edition


Oracle Core: Essential Internals for DBAs and Developers (Expert's Voice in Databases) 1st ed. Edition





Kamran Aghayev A.



From: HYPERLINK "" [mailto:HYPERLINK ""] On Behalf Of Apps DBA Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 6:47 AM
To: ORACLE-L <HYPERLINK ""> Subject: Can someone please motivate to learn scripting and learn oracle internals ?




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-- Patrice

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-- Patrice

My profiles:!/profile.php?id=100000206805521

Received on Wed Aug 31 2016 - 19:34:34 CEST

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