AWR Usage Poll

From: Jared Still <>
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2008 15:18:46 -0700
Message-ID: <>

I am curious about the acceptance and usage of AWR (Active Workload Repository)

This has been around a few years now, and I see some bits of conversations where the assumption is made that AWR is available when troubleshooting a problem.

Such is not always the case however, as AWR is a separately licensed product.

Don't forget, ASH (Active Session History) is also part of AWR, and subject to the same licensing restrictions.

Which brings me to the poll.


*This should take a couple of minutes at the most, as there are only
10 multiple choice questions. There is room for a written response to many of the questions as well, should you feel the need to embellish.

This poll is open until 8/31/2008. It is set to a maximum of 500 responses, which is probably sufficient.


Jared Still
Certifiable Oracle DBA and Part Time Perl Evangelist

Received on Wed Aug 13 2008 - 17:18:46 CDT

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