
From Oracle FAQ

Solaris is a Unix operating system provided by SUN Microsystems for its SUN SPARC and X86 (Intel) machines. Solaris is one of the operating systems that Oracle runs on.

Note that Oracle mainly supports the SUN SPARC architecture. Some X86 releases of Oracle have been made available, but is normally released way behind the other paltforms (if at all).

Supported versions[edit]

Oracle 10g is supported on Solaris 8, Solaris 9 and Solaris 10.

Oracle 11g is supported on Solaris 9 and Solaris 10.

System configuration[edit]

Use the "prtdiag" command to print CPU and memory details:

$ /usr/platform/sun4u/sbin/prtdiag
System Configuration:  Sun Microsystems  sun4u SUNW,Ultra-Enterprise-10000
System clock frequency: 100 MHz
Memory size: 4096 Megabytes

========================= CPUs =========================

                    Run   Ecache   CPU    CPU
Brd  CPU   Module   MHz     MB    Impl.   Mask
---  ---  -------  -----  ------  ------  ----
 1     4     0      400     8.0   US-II    10.0
 1     5     1      400     8.0   US-II    10.0
 1     6     2      400     8.0   US-II    10.0
 1     7     3      400     8.0   US-II    10.0
========================= Memory =========================

           Memory Units: Size
           0: MB   1: MB   2: MB   3: MB
           -----   -----   -----   -----
Board 1     1024    1024    1024    1024

Solaris Containers[edit]

Starting with Solaris 10, Oracle can be installed within a Solaris Container (soft OS partition). However, only non-RAC databases are supported (RAC is only supported in a global zone).

Some related white papers:

External links[edit]