Oracle FAQ:Year end report 2007

From Oracle FAQ

This report documents the highlights and lowlights of 2007, OraFAQ's 12th year on-line.

OraFAQ Highlights[edit]

  • The OraFAQ’s wiki grew to almost 850 articles. Several old website sections were moved into the wiki, including the glossary and calendar of events. Expect more sections to move to the wiki during 2008.
  • A forum upgrade introduced several new features, including: new topic description field; coloured user names in member list; moderators can move individual messages; FireFox 2 spell check support; OpenSearch and RSS headers.
  • The USENET and mailing list archives received a facelift and are now styled to look like the rest of the site (headers and footers updated).
  • Ross Leishman's (rleishman) Oracle SQL Tuning Guide is now hosted on the OraFAQ at (he wants to maintain editorial control, so, unfortunately we cannot add it to the wiki).
  • Littlefoot compiled a Forum Guide with input form the other moderators. She recently also started to compile a moderators guide to allow better (more consistent) forum administration.
  • Michel Cadot became the first forum user to reach a post count of 10,000 messages!
  • A new private forum was created for moderator discussions.
  • A plug-in was written to automatically log-in forum user when they visit the wiki,
  • A dead power supply caused an 6 hours outage on 2 May 2007.

Oracle Highlights[edit]

Forum statistics[edit]

Year end statistics:

  • Topics created: 15,259 (up from 14,704 in 2006)
  • Messages posted: 77,398 (up from 56,988 in 2006)
  • Users registered: 12,982 (slightly up from 12,350 in 2006)

Congratulations to the following users who became moderators in 2007: DreamZ, Arju, Michel Cadot, Mohammad Taj, Brian and joy_division.

Detailed forum statistics (as compiled by Michel) is available at forum statistics.

Oracle-l and USENET archives[edit]

Oracle-l mailing list:

11,423 mailing list posts were archived, down from 14,076 in 2006.

USENET news:

37,579 USENET posts were archived, down from 50,004 in 2006.

Blogger platform[edit]

Users posted 56 blog entries on the OraFAQ (up from 34 in 2006).

Kevin Meade's Blog deserves special mention. His blog is definitely worth a read!


In summary, 2007 was yet another great year. Thanks to all of you who made it possible. May you all have a great and prosperous 2008!

PS: If your name was somehow left out, please hit "edit" to add your contribution to this page.