Re: One-To-One Relationships
From: David Cressey <>
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2007 12:45:21 GMT
Message-ID: <BBT3j.20093$7T.7311_at_trndny09>
> I can't imagine how to store an entity. When I hear of it having been
> done, I just pretend I heard tuple instead, even though I admit I can't
> imagine how to actually store a tuple. All I know how to do with a
> machine is mimic assignment. I think Codd was prepared to exclude
> pronouns, too.
> As far as a db model goes, entities seem to have use only as
> conversational devices, as you implied and as David C demonstrated!
> Tuples might not seem any better, but at least we can imagine how they
> are applied by operators.
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2007 12:45:21 GMT
Message-ID: <BBT3j.20093$7T.7311_at_trndny09>
"paul c" <> wrote in message
> Bob Badour wrote:
> > David Cressey wrote:
> >> "Bob Badour" <> wrote in message
> >> news:474dd64a$0$5285$
> >>
> ...
> >>> Entities are figments of our imaginations.
> >>
> >> You are an entity.
> >
> > Am I? Or am I billions of cellular entities? Or am I part of a larger
> > community entity?
> I can't imagine how to store an entity. When I hear of it having been
> done, I just pretend I heard tuple instead, even though I admit I can't
> imagine how to actually store a tuple. All I know how to do with a
> machine is mimic assignment. I think Codd was prepared to exclude
> pronouns, too.
> As far as a db model goes, entities seem to have use only as
> conversational devices, as you implied and as David C demonstrated!
> Tuples might not seem any better, but at least we can imagine how they
> are applied by operators.