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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: anyone use java EJBs?
I would strongly recommend checking out JDO (Java Data Objects) as a
potential alternative. I converted a couple EJB enthusiasts and their
e-commerce shop has never been the same.
I slung some Java in an EJB WebLogic environment where I was also the part-time Oracle I was hated on 2 fronts instead of the regular old boring 1.
Container Managed Persistence is rational BMP (Bean Managed) be crazy & is for Java cowboys that don't have good sense as Mammaw used to say. Nevertheless, did some initial testing of JDO back when the spec was being developed and was very impressed...simpler, faster, better. Unfortunately, like the early & latter days of SQLJ, which never caught on so I couldn't sell my used books, JDO has remained somewhat obscure although still supported by a core group of rabid fans:
JDO is "better" (simpler, faster, and easier to model) and I took that from some TV commercial for some pharmaceutical I haven't tried yet.
Has anyone heard the new "Dear Burger King" radio spot/commercial? I love those commercials because they are so very wrong. I want to wake up & DBA with the Burger King.
That's what I'm talkin' 'bout Willis.
-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Christian Antognini
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 4:16 PM
Subject: RE: anyone use java EJBs?
Hi Ryan
>I think session EJBs and message driven EJBs may be useful.
In some situations, eventually...
>My concern is with entity beans.
>don't see any advantage whatsoever with them over data=20
>access objects accept that 'they are in the
>J2EE standard' and they have a catchy name.
>They are alot harder to implement, code, and test.
Exactly for this reason they are thinking to remove the current = implementation from the next standard: J2EE 3.0. The idea is that the = new standard should provide a much simpler way to do the same...
Anyway my advice is to give a look to the following two books (which are = against EJB!):
-- -- on Sat Apr 09 2005 - 00:07:11 CDT
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