Re: more closed-world chatter

From: Marshall <>
Date: 10 May 2007 18:25:55 -0700
Message-ID: <>

On May 10, 4:30 pm, "Brian Selzer" <> wrote:
> "Marshall" <> wrote in message
> > On May 9, 11:20 pm, "Brian Selzer" <> wrote:
> >> "Marshall" <> wrote in message
> >> > Well, the earlier question was, given
> >> > R1(a:t1)
> >> > R2(a:t2)
> >> > what is the type of a in R1 join R2?
> >> > TTM says most-specific-supertype(t1, t2);
> >> I could be wrong, but I think that t1 must be either a supertype or a
> >> subtype of t2. If that were not true, then due to specialization by
> >> constraint, the sets of elements for t1 and t2 must be disjoint, and any
> >> join would necessarily be empty.
> > Sure. However you say it like there are several cases at
> > work here, and I think it's important to note that there
> > is just one, which (as is the case with all operations) will
> > produce different results depending on the operand values.
> I'm having trouble understanding your response here.

The definition of join:

R1{a, ab}

(Here, a, ab, and b are *sets* of attributes)

R1 join R2 =
  {(a, ab, b) | (a, ab) in R1 and (ab,b) in R2}

Note that no type system need be present. Note that even if pi_ab(R1) intersect pi_ab(R2) is empty, this is still the definition. There isn't any special handling for any special cases.

> >> Each and every value must have one and
> >> only one most specific subtype.
> > Yeah, everyone says that. It's common point in type
> > theory. But it's not true in set theory, unless we
> > consider it in the degenerate case where every
> > values belong most specifically to the set containing
> > only itself.
> > Programming language types are usually expressed as
> > named sets of values with some common structure, but
> > neither consideration exists in set theory. I speculate
> > that we could just use unrestricted axiomatic set theory
> > instead of type theory, and be able to express much
> > more sophisticated theorems about source code.
> > Of course, this comes at a cost in complexity and
> > decidability, but I think it's worth exploring.
> I think domains and types are orthogonal. A domains is a set of values, and
> each value in a domain has a type, but that doesn't mean that every value in
> a domain must have the same type. If that is a requirement, then it can be
> stated in the schema.


> >> So the type of a in R1 join R2 would be the
> >> type, t1 or t2, that happens to be the supertype.
> > Yes, that's the D&D view. Not my view though.
> If you acknowledge the subtype-supertype relationship between t1 and t2,
> then the supertype must be the type of a in the result of the join.
> Consider the relations,
> R1{a:t1, b} and R2{a:t2, c}.
> Now assume that a:t1 is the key for R1 and a:t2 is the key for R2. Then
> these functional dependencies apply to R1 and R2 respectively:
> a:t1 --> b
> a:t2 --> c.
> In a join of R1 and R2, the functional dependencies
> a --> b
> a --> c
> apply. Now if t1 is a subtype of t2, and if t1 is the type of a in the
> join, then we have,
> a:t1 --> b
> a:t1 --> c
> So in effect, values having type t1 could determine values for c. This
> makes no sense because that relationship is not stated in the schema.

It makes perfect sense to me. Can you be more specific about your objection than "it doesn't make sense." I also mention that the result *value* will be the same regardless of whether a has type t1 or t2 in the result.

Marshall Received on Fri May 11 2007 - 03:25:55 CEST

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