Re: more closed-world chatter

From: Brian Selzer <>
Date: Thu, 10 May 2007 23:30:44 GMT
Message-ID: <EWN0i.21016$>

"Marshall" <> wrote in message
> On May 9, 11:20 pm, "Brian Selzer" <> wrote:
>> "Marshall" <> wrote in message
>> > Well, the earlier question was, given
>> > R1(a:t1)
>> > R2(a:t2)
>> > what is the type of a in R1 join R2?
>> > TTM says most-specific-supertype(t1, t2);
>> I could be wrong, but I think that t1 must be either a supertype or a
>> subtype of t2. If that were not true, then due to specialization by
>> constraint, the sets of elements for t1 and t2 must be disjoint, and any
>> join would necessarily be empty.
> Sure. However you say it like there are several cases at
> work here, and I think it's important to note that there
> is just one, which (as is the case with all operations) will
> produce different results depending on the operand values.

I'm having trouble understanding your response here.

>> Each and every value must have one and
>> only one most specific subtype.
> Yeah, everyone says that. It's common point in type
> theory. But it's not true in set theory, unless we
> consider it in the degenerate case where every
> values belong most specifically to the set containing
> only itself.
> Programming language types are usually expressed as
> named sets of values with some common structure, but
> neither consideration exists in set theory. I speculate
> that we could just use unrestricted axiomatic set theory
> instead of type theory, and be able to express much
> more sophisticated theorems about source code.
> Of course, this comes at a cost in complexity and
> decidability, but I think it's worth exploring.

I think domains and types are orthogonal. A domains is a set of values, and each value in a domain has a type, but that doesn't mean that every value in a domain must have the same type. If that is a requirement, then it can be stated in the schema.

>> So the type of a in R1 join R2 would be the
>> type, t1 or t2, that happens to be the supertype.
> Yes, that's the D&D view. Not my view though.

If you acknowledge the subtype-supertype relationship between t1 and t2, then the supertype must be the type of a in the result of the join. Consider the relations,
R1{a:t1, b} and R2{a:t2, c}.
Now assume that a:t1 is the key for R1 and a:t2 is the key for R2. Then these functional dependencies apply to R1 and R2 respectively:

a:t1 --> b
a:t2 --> c.

In a join of R1 and R2, the functional dependencies

a --> b
a --> c

apply. Now if t1 is a subtype of t2, and if t1 is the type of a in the join, then we have,

a:t1 --> b
a:t1 --> c

So in effect, values having type t1 could determine values for c. This makes no sense because that relationship is not stated in the schema. Now the converse,

a:t2 --> b
a:t2 --> c

does make sense, because each value in the set of all values having type t1 is also in the set of all values having type t2.

Even if a:t1 and a:t2 are prime but not the entire key, there still exists a dependency between a:t1 and b and a:t2 and c which also appears in the result of the join. It's not a functional dependency, but a dependency nonetheless. The only time there would be no relationship that propogated into the join is when both a:t1 and a:t2 are dependent attributes.

> Marshall
Received on Fri May 11 2007 - 01:30:44 CEST

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