Re: Table/Attribute Modeling

From: Cimode <>
Date: 10 Mar 2007 00:28:52 -0800
Message-ID: <>

<<Table/Attribute Modeling>>
Now...that made me laugh!!!
On the same topic, one day I came to the conclusion that I was not very gifted as find out *buzz* names for terminologies to impress people. So I went to a marketer and asked him if he could help...In substance that's what he came up with:

> *Acronyms* give a sense of smart mistery reserved to an *elite* of practitionners. For instance, *Did you pass your ITIL certification - Oh you did not? - What a shame you are not a part of...*. However, in your case Table/Attribute Modeling comes down to the TAM methodology..Problem is it may be confused with Technical Account Manager (another buzz word)
> Explicit descriptive methodologies must be *exaggerated*. SImple adequate terms must be replaced by complex exagerated terms which mark subcounsciously the mind of people as coming from a higher authority..Ex: In *Table/Attribute Modeling* Table should be replaced by bidimensional projection representation and Attribute as un-ary relation...
> The final methodology used shuold give the opportunity to people to lay with it meaning that even if people do not use the exact word you proposed , they should still be able to recognize it as a vague and familiar concept. Ex: I have seen people writing SEQUEL on their CV and when I would ask them they would respond puzzled *What you don't know SEQUEL?*

I I summarize the application of the above rules to your initial proposition, I will attempt revamping your description:

*Table/Attribute Modeling* methodology --> unary and bidimensionally based projection design --> How about UBPD (notice the PD subconsciously refering to LAPD to make it look familiar and reassuring)...I did it! I did it I created my my first buzz acronym!!

Regards... Received on Sat Mar 10 2007 - 09:28:52 CET

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