Re: Objects and Relations

From: Kevin Kirkpatrick <>
Date: 31 Jan 2007 14:07:29 -0800
Message-ID: <>

On Jan 31, 9:24 am, Bob Badour <> wrote:
> Marshall wrote:
> > On Jan 30, 6:32 am, "David BL" <> wrote:
> >>On Jan 30, 6:33 pm, "Marshall" <> wrote:
> > Okay. Going to try to recreate my earlier post. Will not be
> > as good but hope to get the basic sense across, along
> > with some actual references to stuff.
> >>>>Consider the following relation
> >>>> charsInString(StringId, Index, Char) :- StringId has Char at
> >>>>Index
> >>>This isn't right as is, though; you're putting every string in
> >>>a single table. Coincidental cohesion; grouping things based
> >>>on a superficial type commonality. Are you going to put all
> >>>your ints in a single table also? I would expect not.
> >>I'm glad to see that you don't like the idea of putting all characters
> >>of all strings in a single table.
> >>I believe a relational database should treat strings as an ADT to be
> >>used for domains for attributes.
> > Yes, I'm aware of that perspective, and some people I really
> > respect subscribe to it. However I don't; if you encapsulate
> > a string as an ADT then you lose the ability to use the RA
> > on the characters, which I believe I've already demonstrated
> > has some utility.
> > I also have an argument that encapsulation itself is merely
> > a crutch to make up for the fact that a language lacks
> > declarative integrity constraints.
> >>>Instead, let's imagine we're in a nested relational system,
> >>>and strings are a relation type {index:int, c:char} I will use
> >>>the name S to denote the string at hand; sort of the analog
> >>>of "this" in an OO language.
> >>Well, I was assuming a flat relational system. If you are going to
> >>allow nested relations then I agree that things are rather
> >>different. In fact I believe this is a bit of a cop out. Please
> >>correct me if I'm wrong.
> > Not 100% sure I understand, but it sounds like you're saying
> > nested relations are a cop-out. If so I disagree. Again, this
> > is a theory group, so we do not have to restrict ourselves
> > to discussing existing implementations or SQL or whatever.
> > As a logical model nested relations have a long history of
> > study, and they do solve some problems. My personal model
> > includes nested relations.
> NF^2 nested relations? Or relation-valued attributes?
> >>At the outermost nesting level you have
> >>chosen to deal with strings opaquely - as a domain for attributes. In
> >>other words at that level of abstraction you have chosen not to deal
> >>with strings relationally.
> > Yes however I consider this a non-issue. The advantage of
> > recursive structures is that one can deal with each level
> > at a time, and not have to address them all at once.
> And I would expect a String type to permit multiple possible
> representations. If one can represent a String as an array, one already
> represents them as a relation given the operations to convert back and
> forth. So why not have a relation-valued representation?
> /amplification
> >>You don't seem to appreciate the fact that the onus of proof often
> >>depends on the nature of the claim rather that who is making it. It
> >>would obviously be difficult to construct a formal proof that there
> >>doesn't exist elegant and useful string processing algorithms using
> >>RA, whereas it is comparatively easy to show examples if they in fact
> >>exist. All I said is that I can't think of any and perhaps there
> >>aren't any. I make no apologies for having rather less experience in
> >>RM than you do. If you look carefully at my post you will find that I
> >>never even claim that there are no such examples. I only raise the
> >>question.
> > I don't believe I have made any claims as to where the anus of
> > proof lies.
> Intentional? ;> LOL
> >>I note that this is the second time you have expected proofs of non-
> >>existence of examples (cf our discussions about fine grained mutative
> >>operations in a previous thread). Do you agree that this is often
> >>impossible?
> > I don't believe that I have expected proofs. Let me change
> > my earlier phrase "prove a point" to "make a point" so that
> > we avoid any potentially-ambiguous use of the word "prove."
> > Some of what we're discussing are design questions and
> > they are not subject to proof. (In fact, surprisingly little *is*
> > subject to proof.)
> Indeed. The more we make subject to proof, the better, however.
> >>>>Won't you almost always
> >>>>join/select for the simple purpose of looking up a character in a
> >>>>given string at a given index position?
> >>>You say that like it's a bad thing. Join is the primary tool
> >>>of the RA, so yes, we will join. And select. We'll use the
> >>>algebra, just like an OO programmer would use loops
> >>>and method calls.
> >>Of course. What I mean is that the access pattern on the relation is
> >>almost always the same, and no different to the functionality provided
> >>by the ADT.
> >>This contrasts with relations like Employee which join on different
> >>attributes at different times, revealing the power of RA for adhoc
> >>query.
> > Joining on single-attribute relations is a practical and useful
> > thing to do; it doesn't indicate any problem, any more than
> > a function that takes only a single argument indicates a
> > problem.
> > Join of two one-attribute relations on their single attributes is
> > set intersection, which I hope you will agree is a meaningful
> > and useful operator.
> Or cross-product which I hope everyone will agree is a meaningul and
> useful operation too.
> >>>indexOf(int ch, int fromIndex)
> >>>The source to java.lang.String can be downloaded as part of the JDK;
> >>>I will refer to it here. (But not excerpt it, much as I would like to
> >>>for
> >>>comparison, because it is copyrighted.)
> >>>Here is the relational implementation in pseudo-SQL:
> >>> select min(index) from S where c = ch and index >= fromIndex
> >>>The body of the Java implementation is 37 lines long, and
> >>>contains 8 if statements and 2 for loops, and can return
> >>>from any one of five places.
> >>I shall look at this Java code when I get the time. It seems overly
> >>complicated.
> >>In my C++ code I use a StringRange class that represents an aliased
> >>range of characters using a pair of pointers, allowing me to write
> >> while(s && *s != ch) ++s;
> >>to scan through characters in range s not equal to ch.
> > I am aware of the StringRange techinque but not familiar with
> > it. I am not immediately clear what the above code does; in
> > a C idiom (as opposed to C++) it appears merely to advance
> > the (uninitialized) s pointer. Even if it's a complete solution, you
> > omit the code from the StringRange class, which has to be
> > accounted for to do a fair comparison with my code.
> I wonder how the above loop terminates if ch does not occur in s. Then
> again, if the increment operation can make s evaluate to false at the
> end of the string, I suppose it is a fair operation to assume just as
> join is a fair operation to assume.
I wonder how easily David's code could be modified to match the following characteristics:
1) Use a binary search over all characters if indexOf() is specified for an infrequent character (i.e. for finding a rare delimiter amongst long strings of alpha-numerics).
2) Use an array scan starting at fromIndex otherwise.

To be fair, I enhance Marshall's using the following standard utilities availabe in modern DBMS's:
Create table s(index int, c int);
Create index on s(index,c); -- new
GatherStats(s); -- new
indexOf: select min(index) from S where c = ch and index >= fromIndex;

David, could you supply a comparable indexOf() using standard utilities available in modern OO libraries?

> >>> select min(S1.index) from S S1 where
> >>> (select min(S2.c = str.c) from S S2, str
> >>> where S2.index-S1.index = str.index) and
> >>> S1.index >= fromIndex
> > [corrected from original]
> >>>"Select the smallest S.index where
> >>> every character in S' offset by S.index equals
> >>> every character in str,
> >>> that is greater than or equal to fromIndex"
> >>>The body of the java implementation calls an internal helper function
> >>>that is 33 lines, containing 6 ifs, 2 for loops, 1 while loop, and
> >>>that
> >>>can return from any one of 4 different places.
> >>Thinking off the top of my head, in C++ I would write something based
> >>along the lines of
> >>while(s && str.size() <= s.size() && s.prefix(str.size()) != str) ++s;
> > Again, I note that you're not accounting for the size() and prefix()
> > methods;
> > you have to include them in the total count.
> I tend to disagree with that. You do not account for the physical
> implementation of join or min.
> My code didn't use any
> > function abstraction; what you see is the whole deal. Otherwise
> > we both just wrap our implementations in a function and call it a
> > day. My implementation used only min(), subtraction, and comparison.
> I don't think it unfair to assume standard library-supplied code in a
> comparison, but I agree the other extreme of wrapping everything in a
> function makes no sense either.
> I note that David's algorithm is necessarily at least O(n*m) where n is
> the number of characters in s and m is the number of characters in
> str--squared if the .size function scans for null-termination.
> Your solution is potentially O(n) depending more on the skill and
> investment of the compiler writers and less on your skill and investment.
> (Unless someone can point to a C++ compiler that has implemented
> algorithmic replacement.)
> >>>>If you want to deal with strings declaratively (not procedurally) then
> >>>>use a functional programming or logic programming language. RM seems
> >>>>a poor fit.
> >>>Does it still seem so after reading the above?
> >>Yes!
> > Okay. What would you find to be a convincing demonstration? If nothing
> > else I claim my substring find is quite declarative; as much so as any
> > logic program. (In fact, one could make an argument that mine *is*
> > a logic program.)
> > It is in general nearly impossible to separate out one's familiarity
> > with
> > a particular computational model from how "intuitive" code in that
> > model appears. Again, Haskell on first contact appeared ridiculously
> > opaque, but now I find it generally very readable.
> > The Stroustroup quote:
> >
> > The only way to get around the familiarity issue is with hard
> > metrics of expressiveness, and these are few and far between.
> > The one that stands out is Felleisen's "On the Expressive Power
> > of Programming Languages." I have it on my to-do list to
> > master Felleisen expressiveness and use it to compare a
> > relational language.
> > Until we do that, or something like it, pretty much all we're
> > doing with
> ...
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Received on Wed Jan 31 2007 - 23:07:29 CET

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