Re: Network Example: Sibling of Opposite Gender

From: Bob Badour <>
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2006 01:28:26 GMT
Message-ID: <_mElh.38888$>

Marshall wrote:

> On Dec 30, 1:28 pm, "Neo" <> wrote:

>>JoeAnn's age is 33 and it's gender is both male and female.

> I admit I haven't been following this thread too closely, but
> I have to ask: can you be more specific about how you
> see gender as behaving? In particular, now that you apparently
> allow an entity to be "both male and female" I wonder if you
> can enumerate all the possibilities, and their opposites as
> well? Is it:
> gender opposite
> -----------------------
> (male) (female)
> (female) (male)
> (male, female) ()
> () (male, female)
>>In addition, I now add that black and white are opposites. Then I get
>>the thing whose relationship to black is the same as john's gender's
>>relationship to mary's gender.

> Can you be more clear about what you think "opposite" is? Is
> it just a named bunch of named pairs? In other words, are
> you doing this entirely by name?
> Do you by any chance have a real-world use-case for a
> query like "the thing whose relationship to black is the same
> as john's gender's relationship to mary's gender."

I hope you do realize that you are quibbling over semantics with a psychotic delusional. "Opposite" means exactly what Neo's neighbour's cat tells him it means. Nothing more and nothing less. Received on Sun Dec 31 2006 - 02:28:26 CET

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