Re: integer id columns for all tables

From: Bob Badour <>
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 22:52:04 GMT
Message-ID: <osKIg.5433$>

Matthias Klaey wrote:

> Alexandr Savinov <> wrote:
> [...]

>>>Someone with greater expertise than I recently told me that it is best
>>>to have an integer primary-key for all tables in a database, even if
>>>the table already has some non-integer primary key,

>>Its main advantage is that it more or less successfully 
>>separates identification means (primary key in RM) from what is going to 
>>be identified.

> [...]
>>for separating two concerns:
>>- object semantic characterisation (entity modeling) and
>>- object identification means (identity modeling).

> could you please give an example of what you mean by these two
> concerns? or perhaps a reference to a definition and/or to a textbook?
> i have never heard of this before, so i am very curious

Savinov has long ago demonstrated that he is a complete moron. You can safely ignore him. Received on Tue Aug 29 2006 - 00:52:04 CEST

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