Re: I think that relational DBs are dead. See link to my article inside

From: Ed Prochak <>
Date: 5 Jul 2006 09:29:03 -0700
Message-ID: <>

Dmitry Shuklin wrote:
> Hi,
> > Give just ONE example. I sincerely doubt there is anything you can do
> > in a network model DB that cannot be done at least as well in a
> > Relational model DB.
> Trees )) I think You understand what I mean. Of course on the same
> abstraction level as the relational model works. You can emulate trees
> on RMD. But it will cause more abstraction levels to appear.

Joe Celko has an approach for handling trees in SQL. It is more difficult than in a network model since elements in a tree form an ordered set, while the Relational model deals with unordered sets. But if that's your only flaw for Relational model, that's a pretty weak arguement.

> In fact i am interested in emulation of artificial neural network.
> Making ANN with SQL - ha ha ha.

I've never done Nueral nets, but I was told once it is implemented with a set of weighting tables. Maybe that is an old approach. While that may be your primary purpose, your comments about the Relational model being outdated were not limited to that specific application area. So it again goes back to my comment about how your present your argument.
> > Sorry, but all I see on that page is a couple claims, no supporting
> > data. I will not download some unknown executable. Make a case without
> > having us run your program for you.
> Sorry, i don't have any artiles on English describing my OODB research
> yet (((
> And even when you download zip you can find there only C# sources. no
> documentation (((
> I know, i know (((
> What differ my DB from the rest? :
> - one object can have a many ObjectIDs
> - one ObjectID can address many different object instances
> - multilevel undo/redo transactions are supported
> What restrictions current version has?
> - only single user mode.
> - only single thread.
> WBR,
> Dmitry

Good luck with your research.

   Ed Received on Wed Jul 05 2006 - 18:29:03 CEST

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