Re: Location Structures Approaches, Pros & Cons

From: Tim Marshall <TIMMY!_at_PurplePandaChasers.Moertherium>
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2006 18:36:58 -0330
Message-ID: <dto023$n0$>

Mark Johnson wrote:

> Perhaps you mean that simply reorganizing a tree, interactively, is
> simpler than redesigning a fixed scheme of tables and links?
> Connect By implies the use of one-way pointers/links, in an adjacency
> list. This violates the very basic concept of the relation of vaguely
> defined 'related things', which are unsorted/unordered.

HI Mark, thanks for your response...

I have no idea what you mean here, nor by the horse race thing which you've made my original post into... 8)

One way pointer? Are you telling me that parent child relationships within a table are something one should not do? How does one then establish a hierarchy between items that are the same data entity, for example, say in an equipment table in which a motor is a child of an air handling unit or fan and an on/off switch is a child of that motor?

/#) "Burp-beep, burp-beep, burp-beep?" - Quaker Jake
/^^ "Whatcha doin?" - Ditto  "TIM-MAY!!" - Me
Received on Fri Feb 24 2006 - 23:06:58 CET

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