Re: Demo: Modelling Cost of Travel Paths Between Towns

From: Alan <>
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2004 15:47:18 -0500
Message-ID: <>

"Neo" <> wrote in message
> > Alan wrote:
> > Neo has stored the word "monday" 4 times.
> > Neo has stored letters a, b, c, d more times than I care to count.
> > Therefore, Neo is practicing redundancy.
> I do not assert the script to create the db does not have redundant
> things. I do assert that there are no redundant things in the db
> including the word "monday" and the symbols a, b, c, d. Example
> demonstrates this ability by
> displaying the ID of symbol 1 and the quantity 1. I am surprised you
> didn't understand this as it was discussed and demonstrated at great
> length in the recent comp.database.theory thread titled "A
> Normalization Question" to which you were a significant contributor.
> Would you like to reverify step-by-step that there is only one word
> "monday" in the db?

No, I believe you.

> > Neo has stored program code as data.
> Could you specify the program code that Neo stored as data. It appears
> you are against storing program code as data. Could you first define
> the fundamental difference between code and data. Could you then
> indicate why you are against storing "code" as data. Are you asserting
> that by storing the same things in a relational db, there would be no
> storing of program code as data?

This was discussed some months ago with Dawn. No need to do it again.

> > Neo is practicing Object Orientation.
> Could you please define what is an "object" and "object-orientation".
> In RM, tables, row, columns, values can be thought of as objects. Are
> you asserting that in the tools that you use, you are not practicing
> some level of object-orientation?

I was just making a comment. It seems you interpreted it as a criticism. Some tools (like Windows) are based on OO concepts. Others (like SQL) are not.

> > What happens when trip goes to 64 towns in three months,
> > visiting some towns more than once?
> > Answer: Neo has stored big headache and carpal tunnel syndrome.
> Why don't we find out for sure. Would you be willing to model 64 towns
> with various paths, cost factors and valid durations in a week; and
> then query/code solutions to some typical problems to guage each
> methods advantages/disadvantages?

No, because I do not want to get said headache and carpal tunnel syndrome. Why don't you do it? All 64 towns. WIth a minimum of 4096 possibilities.

You may use RM or any other tool
> that you prefer.

I have no interest in attempting to solve this problem, just in pointing out that your "solution" is not a solution, and is bound to send anyone who tries it to the doctor.

> > Here is some SQL for Neo to learn:
> > INSERT INTO neo VALUES 'common sense', 'integrity', 'honesty';
> > UPDATE neo SET pocketbook = pocketbook - 1000;
> Please teach Neo the common sense meaning of integrity and honesty by
> showing that Hugo's RM Solution #1 and #2 aren't nearly twice as slow
> as XDb1's even when XDb1 is executed on a 5.6X slower machine.

I don't have to. It's been done. Repeatedly. You are a sore loser, and have no integrity. Your word is worthless. Received on Mon Nov 08 2004 - 21:47:18 CET

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