Re: Some Laws

From: Laconic2 <>
Date: Sun, 19 Sep 2004 14:54:15 -0400
Message-ID: <>

"--CELKO--" <> wrote in message
> >> Spight's Law: You have to have a Database <<
> There is an old Dilbert cartoon of the gang sitting at a meeting with
> the pointy-haired boss. The boss announces a new project and Wally
> immediately announces that they need to build a database. The boss
> replies that Wally does not know what the project is yet. Wally
> announces that it does not matter -- we just like to build databases.

And if Wally wants to build a database, let him. It'll keep him from causing other mischief.

I got into a set-to with Mr. Novoa recently about whether building databases should or should not be restricted to the "qualified". I strongly favor the idea that everyone who proposes to build a database would be well advised to learn how to do it right. But I even more strongly support the idea that anybody can make the attempt.

Whether Wally should get paid for building a database, and whether the project should critically depend on Wally's database are entirely different concerns. But I assume the PHB will use his usual sublety and insight to deal with those matters. ;) Received on Sun Sep 19 2004 - 20:54:15 CEST

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