Re: Wishing Leandro Guimares Faria Corsetti Dutra away

From: --CELKO-- <>
Date: 15 May 2004 21:11:11 -0700
Message-ID: <>

>> .. you seem to be one of these really annoying people that simply
must reply to every poster that appears, otherwise your head will explode. <<

I must defend others who share my lack of "social skills"

I am a real SOB on the SQL Server Newgroups which seem to attract a greater than average share of stupid slugs who will not Google or F1 anything; they also want other people to do their homework or their job (which they just got from an American programmer who was out-sourced).

My wife is at a Zen Monastary; they beat each other with sticks! This is nothing! And he says some good things, if you stop to read waht he posts. Received on Sun May 16 2004 - 06:11:11 CEST

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