Re: OOP - a question about database access

From: Uncle Bob (Robert C. Martin) <"Uncle>
Date: Sun, 09 Nov 2003 15:53:29 -0600
Message-ID: <>

Alain Javier Guarnieri del Gesu <> might (or might not) have written this on (or about) Sun, 09 Nov 2003 19:08:06 GMT, :

>Wouldn't object oriented programmig work well to create a drawing
>application where you are modeling the location of geometric shapes?
>It seems that that sort of application, or a window toolkit makes
>for a good fit with objects. I'd be very interested in learning of
>an alternative model.

OO is a technique for managing source code dependencies. The kind of application is irrelevant. Database apps, embedded real-time apps, financial apps, web apps, gui apps, etc. all can benefit from good dependency management.

OO is about structuring source code, and keeping unwanted dependencies from accumulating.

Robert C. Martin    | "Uncle Bob"                   
Object Mentor Inc.  | unclebob _at_ objectmentor . com
501 N. Riverside Dr.| Tel: (800) 338-6716         
Suite 206           | Fax: (847) 775-8174           |
                    |                               |
Gurnee, IL,         | Training and Mentoring        |
60031               | OO, XP, Agile, C++, Java, C#  |
Received on Sun Nov 09 2003 - 22:53:29 CET

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