Re: OOP - a question about database access

From: Uncle Bob (Robert C. Martin) <"Uncle>
Date: Thu, 06 Nov 2003 13:12:58 -0600
Message-ID: <>

"Bob Badour" <> might (or might not) have written this on (or about) Wed, 5 Nov 2003 13:10:55 -0500, :

>They declared a deadline at about a tenth or less of the time required and
>asked for the whole enchilada. They then beat up the developers for failing
>to deliver, but urged them to do better for the next timebox... I found it
>abusive, wasteful and counterproductive.

Yes. That's called Management By Objects (MBO). It's also called stupid.

>I have no problems with realistic deadlines or with managers who actually
>manage. Prioritizing features and making realistic assessments of what the
>team can deliver in the time available is simply management--as is adjusting
>the target feature list as development progresses.


>I see no need for special names for a manager just doing his or her job.

And we already have a name for managers that don't.

Robert C. Martin    | "Uncle Bob"                   
Object Mentor Inc.  | unclebob _at_ objectmentor . com
501 N. Riverside Dr.| Tel: (800) 338-6716         
Suite 206           | Fax: (847) 775-8174           |
                    |                               |
Gurnee, IL,         | Training and Mentoring        |
60031               | OO, XP, Agile, C++, Java, C#  |
Received on Thu Nov 06 2003 - 20:12:58 CET

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