UML class diagram -> SQL-DBMS tables

From: karl wettin <>
Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2003 02:57:02 +0200
Message-Id: <>



I'd like to hear your opinions on my way of representing an UML class diagram as SQL-DBMS tables.


This is the content of above Wiki article:


  • Abstract =
    • Each class is represented as a table.
      • Non-multiple attributes are represented as a column in the class table
      • Fixed size multiplicity attributes are represented in their own table
      • Generalized classes share ["PK"] with their super class using an ["SK"].
    • Association relations are represented in their own table, no matter of the multiplicity size.
      • Qualifiers are represented in their own table, since each qualifier is a class.
  • SQL table naming convention =
    • Class table representation : {{{Classname}}}
    • Multiple attribute tables : {{{Class name_attributeName}}}
    • Association tables : {{{Classname_leftAssociationEndName_rightAssociationEndName_Class}}}
    • Association tables with association class : {{{Classname_leftAssociationEndName_AssociationClass_rightAssociationEndName_Class}}}
    • Qualifier tables : {{{Classname_rightAssociationEndNameQualifier}}}
  • Example =

This is supposed to represent a simple webshop, something I hope everybody can relate to. It contains all associations but realizing super relations, and they are not covered in this draft. Realization usually only means ["polymorphic"] methods, and methods aren't persistent.

  • UML class diagram ==

The class diagram follows the ["Silvertejp"] ["ASCII"] ["UML"] notation.

[WebShop](email:String)--- {0..*} -[Customer(+password:String;+name:String{2..5};)]----[PhysicalAdress(+streetAdress:String{1..5};+zipCode:String;+countryCode:int;)]

[Customer]--- {0..*} -<<>>[ShoppingCart(+created:Date;)]---| {0..*} ->[Product]-- {0..*} {0..*} --[ProductCategory(+title:String;)]<>-- +parent +child {0..*}--[ProductCategory]


[abstract Product(+title:String;+price:float;)]<|-----[Book(+ISBN:String;)] }}}

  • SQL-DBMS tables ==

This is ["PostgreSQL"]-specific ["SQL"].


    "PK" int8 PRIMARY KEY

CREATE TABLE "WebShop_CustomerQualifier" (

    "PK" int8 PRIMARY KEY,
    "email" varchar(50)


    "PK" int8 PRIMARY KEY,
    "password" varchar(50)

CREATE TABLE "Customer_name"

    "customer_FK" int8 REFERENCES "Customer" ("PK"),
    "_order" int2,
    "name" varchar(50)


CREATE TABLE "PhysicalAdress"

    "PK" int8 PRIMARY KEY,
    "zipCode" varchar(12),
    "countryCode" int2


CREATE TABLE "PhysicalAdress_streetAdress" (

    "PysicalAdress_FK" int8 REFERENCES "PhysicalAdress" ("PK"),
    "_order" int2,
    "streetAdress" varchar(50)


CREATE TABLE "ShoppingCart"

    "PK" int8 PRIMARY KEY,
    "created" date

CREATE TABLE "ShoppingCartProductSize"

    "PK" int8 PRIMARY KEY,
    "size" int4


    "PK" int8 PRIMARY KEY,
    "title" varchar(50),
    "price" float4


CREATE TABLE "ProductCategory"

    "PK" int8 PRIMARY KEY,
    "title" varchar(50)


    "SK" int8 PRIMARY KEY REFERENCES "Product" ("PK"),     "ISBN" varchar(50)

CREATE TABLE "WebShop_webShop_customer_Customer" (

    "webShop_FK" int8 REFERENCES "WebShop" ("PK"),
    "webShop_CustomerQualifier_FK" int8 REFERENCES "WebShop_CustomerQualifier" ("PK"),
    "customer_FK" int8 REFERENCES "Customer" ("PK")

CREATE TABLE "Customer_customer_physicalAdress_PhysicalAdress" (

    "customer_FK" int8 REFERENCES "Customer" ("PK"),     "physicalAdress_FK" int8 REFERENCES "PhysicalAdress" ("PK") );

CREATE TABLE "Product_product_productCategory_ProductCategory" (

    "product_FK" int8 REFERENCES "Product" ("PK"),     "productCategory_FK" int8 REFERENCES "ProductCategory" ("PK") );

CREATE TABLE "ProductCategory_parent_child_ProductCategory" (

    "parent_FK" int8 REFERENCES "ProductCategory" ("PK"),     "child_FK" int8 REFERENCES "ProductCategory" ("PK") );

CREATE TABLE "ShoppingCart_shoppingCart_ShoppingCartProductSize_product_Product" (

    "shoppingCart_FK" int8 REFERENCES "ShoppingCart" ("PK"),
    "ShoppingCartProductSize_FK" int8 REFERENCES "ShoppingCartProductSize" ("PK"),
    "product_FK" int8 REFERENCES "Product" ("PK")



[abstract Human]<|--+--[Woman]<>-- +mother +child {0..*} --[Human]
                    \--[Man]<>-- +father +child {0..*} --[Human]

"arghhh .. it's all in geek" - 
Received on Mon Oct 06 2003 - 02:57:02 CEST

Original text of this message