Re: How to create a DBMS from scratch?

From: Christopher Browne <>
Date: 28 Nov 2002 03:01:15 GMT
Message-ID: <as40tq$no1ri$>

In the last exciting episode, Andy Dingley <> wrote::
> On Mon, 25 Nov 2002 12:45:29 +0000, Rob Tweed
> <> wrote:
>>Its interesting the way XML has brought back new life into the old
>>hierarchical databases,
> Interesting, but not a good thing.
> This commonality between XML and hierarchical DB's isn't a validation
> of the DB, more a condemnation of XML's rigidly tree-structured data
> model.

The fact that certain varieties of hierarchical queries are not particularly convenient in SQL is a bit of condemnation thereof.

You tend to have two choices:

  1. You iterate through the tree, an SQL query for each node, or
  2. Go with some cleverness ala the "Celko nested sets" approach.

A query-per-node gets inefficient fast. And while "nested sets" are very clever, that requires that anyone that manipulates such queries has to be *very clever*, and in the real world, we have to live with the fact that most people /aren't/ *very clever*.

That doesn't prevent XML-oriented approaches from having their own daunting concomittent problems...

(concatenate 'string "cbbrowne" "")
"People need to quit pretending they can invent THE interface and walk
away from it, like some Deist fantasy." -- Michael Peck
Received on Thu Nov 28 2002 - 04:01:15 CET

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