Re: Theory of Timeseries extensions to SQL and database

From: Pablo Sanchez <pablo_at_dev.null>
Date: 27 Oct 2002 22:30:51 -0600
Message-ID: <Xns92B4DBD0E880Dpingottpingottbah_at_209.189.89.243> (Paul G. Brown) wrote in

>> In effect, all columns are indexed.  

> I've seen this proposed as a design several times over the years
> (Sybase IQ
> server used a flavor of 'vertical partitioning' too, and there are
> a couple of systems out there (required technology?) that make
> extensive use of clever compression schemes), but every time
> someone has gone this way the resulting system has either sucked on
> updates,

But isn't that always the case? "You can't have something for nothing" type of rule? Or more succinctly: a trade off. I wonder how long it takes google to run updates on its indexes. I'm assuming they must have a constant index build going on a mirror and/or they're doing some incremental adds to their index.

Pablo Sanchez, High-Performance Database Engineering
Received on Mon Oct 28 2002 - 05:30:51 CET

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