Re: Generic Modeling

From: Bernard Peek <>
Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2002 20:06:18 +0000
Message-ID: <>

In message <>, James <> writes
>> > > First, 100 randomly arranged objects are not very useful.
>> > Maybe not but sometimes reality is that way and chaos is the norm not
>> > order
>> This statement is pretty fatalistic. Can you provide an example of a
>> realistic situation comprising 100 objects that have meaning when
>> arranged in any arbitrary configuration of relationships?
>Different kinds of toys or things in a kid's room. Some are on the
>shelf. Some are on the bed, some on the floor, some on the table, some
>in the hamper, etc. I am saying that it is easier for an oodb to
>represent/manipulate complex/variable/deep hierarchal data than for
>rdbs. The 100 randomly arranged object is at the extreme end at yet an
>oodb like XDb deals with it the same way it handle any other better
>origanized data. In rdbs you would need to either using many tables or
>resort to generic modelling in a few tables. This leads me to believe
>an oodb models data more generically than rdbs.

It's trivially easy to store generic data in relational form, just create table with three columns; Object, Property and Value.

This type of structure is useful when the database designer knows that they don't know enough about the data the database will hold. Those situations are rare.

Bernard Peek

In search of cognoscenti
Received on Sun Jan 06 2002 - 21:06:18 CET

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