OR DB design

From: Matthew Beale <mixonic_at_synitech.com>
Date: 15 Aug 2001 12:32:13 -0700
Message-ID: <16297e95.0108151132.5cee5698_at_posting.google.com>

Why arent Object relatoinal Databases better accepted by the commercial community?

I am participating in a project which is attempting to use a OR database as a AI enviroment. The AI can "walk" the DB, traverse up of down the heirarchy. the trick is, the heirarchy branches both up and down, leading to differant relationships. We then grant the AI the capability to create its own links by repeatedly traversing a path. we add that path the the AI's memory. the more times they traverse, the more longer the memory lasts. the communication is based on data trees. We take any given scentence and break it down into componant parts, then use our grammer engine to reconstruct the scentance in a proper format for entry into the DB.

In my mind, and OR DB acts much like a quark. It is not binary, like much of our world, but many-leveled. Because of the self-referencial and recursive properties of an OR, you CANNOT know exactly where you are at any given moment. the time to traverse the recursive references will be literally eternity. this is why we let the AI create its own "map" in its memory. We grant it pattern recognition so it can decide on its own when a certain path will always lead in the same sequence, and can recognize the simplest path to any given branch.

I was raised on Object-Relational systems, my first DB was a OR design. My terminology in this area is weak, but i welcome comments and conversation. The OR model lends itself to a myriad of applications, and so i hope to encourage the construction of a OR databasing community. It is more than a Databasing method, it is the closest we can get to true selfreferencial computer applications. It test the limits of logic.

-Matthew Beale
mixonic_at_synitech.com Received on Wed Aug 15 2001 - 21:32:13 CEST

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