Variabel fieldnames in queries

From: R. Groot Beumer <>
Date: Wed, 04 Jul 2001 13:04:40 GMT
Message-ID: <IvE07.179673$>

Hello (again),

I have a question about the use of variabel fieldnames in queries. In a table of mine I've worked with cummulatives. The tables has got (among others) 13 fields which are named: cm_01, cm_01, cm02 etc (last one is cm_13).
In a certain query I want to get the values of one of the above fields by using a variabel (perhaps a function). So the user is asked: "Which period do you want to export". The system must take the right field. In simple VBA this is done with: Me("cm_" & [period]) but how is this done within a query.

As usual: any help is appreciated !!


Remco (Holland) Received on Wed Jul 04 2001 - 15:04:40 CEST

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