An interesting question

From: Yuriy <>
Date: 2000/01/23
Message-ID: <>#1/1

It is possible for all databases to be converted to BCNF ?

If yes How would you convert the following fragment of database to Boyce Code normal Form ?

Part # | part name | Supplier # | Supplier name | quantity |buy price| sell price|

10     | part a    |  200       | Atom          | 30       | 51      |
60        |
10     | part a    |  250       | Joker         | 30       | 52      |
60        |
20     | part b    |  200       | Atom          | 34       | 15      |
30        |
20     | part b    |  300       | Metal         | 34       | 12      |
30        |

I was able to get to 3 NF
and do not know how to proceed further

My e-mail is
Thank you very much for your help
Sincerely yours, Yuriy Received on Sun Jan 23 2000 - 00:00:00 CET

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