passing variables back to the opener window

From: ed <>
Date: 3 Jun 2003 02:49:23 -0700
Message-ID: <>

Hi all,

I'm new to this, so if I have posted this in the wrong group, please let me know. I am using Oracle Portal and Javascript.

Here's my problem:

I have a main window(window1) and this opens up a pop-up (window2) which displays a list of companies. When I click on a link in window2, the details of the company should get passed back window1 into a text box, I get an error saying "expected ")", code:0"

Here's some of my code:

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript">

function selectOrg(o_org_id,o_org_name)
  if (window.opener && !window.opener.closed)     window.opener.document.add_amend_details.org_search_id_result.value
= o_org_id;

= o_org_name;



for org_found in c_orgs_found loop
CLASS="FORM">'||org_found.org_id||'</FONT></TD><TD><FONT CLASS="FORM">'||||'</FONT></TD><TD><A HREF="javascript:selectOrg('||org_found.org_id||','||||')">Select</A></TD></TR>'); end loop;

Maybe I haven't put enough of my code in for advice. I think the error is bacause of this part..

is it because it doesnt like plsql?
I've tried chaging it to simply...
('ABC') put I still end up with an error.

Any help would be greatful,
Ed. Received on Tue Jun 03 2003 - 11:49:23 CEST

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