Re: Accessing Excel Data

From: MarkyG <>
Date: 3 Jul 2001 01:18:49 -0700
Message-ID: <>

Loading the data into an Oracle table and using PL/SQL would be easier for you if you have strong PL/SQL skills. You can use VB for Applications to scan through the excel spreadsheet and update the oracle database using an ODBC connection, ADO or the like.
I personally would update via PL/SQL, knowing users, spreadsheets will never come back in standard formats and you will be able to cater for different scenarios in PL/SQL code. (it can be argured it can be done in VB as well but I'm Oracle biased!).

M (Zoltan) wrote in message news:<>...
> I would like to know what would be the best way to access data in an
> MS Excel spreadsheet.
> We would be receiving spreadsheets from a number of sources and they
> would be updated with different revisions. We will only ever be
> reading the Excel data, never writing to it.
> On the surface it wouldseem that being able to run a query on the
> Excel DB directly would be best since we would only need to overwrite
> the obsolete DB with the current revision and Oracle would just go to
> the new one.
> This however may be a lot of work in writing a driver of some kind
> (especially for a novice). Would it be easier to convert the Excel DB
> to a delimited file and import the data into a table? How difficult
> would it be to replace the table with updated data?
Received on Tue Jul 03 2001 - 10:18:49 CEST

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