Pro*C-returning boolean type from stored procedure

From: Jesse Hwee <>
Date: 26 Jun 2001 02:36:46 -0700
Message-ID: <>

I'm following the practice to put common routines like connecting, disconnecting and dml in functions and put into library. This is good for debugging and maintenance.
  I am writing one c function for each stored procedure(created by dba) I need to call. For example:

   stored procedure:

   postMessage (p_SystemNm varchar2, p_MsgTxt varchar2) return boolean;

   in pro*c:

   void PostMessage(char sSystemNm, char *szMsgTxt){

     int tStatus;

         :tStatus := postMessage(:sSystemNm, :szMsgTxt);


   main() {

     PostMessage('N', "Start running job inserting new customer.");


  When I compile, I encountered the following problem:
:tStatus := postMessage(:sSystemNm, :szMsgTxt);
PLS-S-00382, expression is of wrong type
:tStatus := postMessage(:sSystemNm, :szMsgTxt);
PLS-S-00000, Statement ignored

  Is this because integer type of tStatus?   What is the corresponding C datatype can I define to match with the boolean type in PLSQL?

  Thanks for any reply. Received on Tue Jun 26 2001 - 11:36:46 CEST

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