Re: HELP! Export command problem

From: John A. Kroll <>
Date: 1997/12/11
Message-ID: <66q8pa$>#1/1

> Can someone please let me know if it's possible to run the export
> utility inside a shell script? I have tried the following and they
> will not work:
> su - oracle -c exp system/manager full=y etc. etc. etc.
> <<EOF
> exit
<< snipped >>

I use "exp" all the time in shell scripts. Are you running these commands as "root"?
If you are not "root", then the "su" command will always prompt for a password.

Break the commands apart. Use "su" to become oracle (typing in the password when
prompted), then run your "exp" command (you may want to look at "batch" or "at"
if the export will take a while).

One other thing, if you want to use "su", enclose your command in double quotes to
force the shell to treat the whole command as the parameter to the -c flag.

John Kroll Received on Thu Dec 11 1997 - 00:00:00 CET

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