Re: Informix vs. Sybase vs. Oracle vs. (gasp) MS SQL Server

From: Pablo Sanchez <>
Date: 1997/12/01
Message-ID: <>#1/1

>>>>> "Michael" == Michael Segel <> writes:

Michael> But to defend Sybase by saying that row level
Michael> locking isn't important, is pretty damn
Michael> silly. 

I have yet to see you refute any of my points regarding row level vs page level locking. For a well written application, and isn't that what you strive for?, it simply doesn't matter.

To simply lob the above and not back it up with any technical merit is pretty damn silly.

Pablo Sanchez              | Ph # (650) 933.3812          Fax # (650) 933.2821              | Pg # (800) 930.5635   -or-
I am accountable for my actions. [ /Sybase_FAQ ]
Received on Mon Dec 01 1997 - 00:00:00 CET

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